Welcome to Boost Consulting’s 

Project Management Services

designed specifically for organizations and businesses working on new products and services, who are looking to better Design and manage projects. 

Tired of spending too much time fighting fires?

We’ll help analyze the root causes and design a plan that enables you to focus more on proactive tasks rather than reactive ones.

Are work processes bogging you down?

Let’s identify the bottlenecks together and craft practical solutions to optimize your workflow.

Can't meet deadlines?

Discover how to plan and execute projects more efficiently to ensure timely completion.

Project Management Services Overview

PM Service Options

01 Consulting

Our zone of genius is to consult on implementation and sustainment - while you do the work. We advise and help boost your employees' knowledge and skills.

02 Facilitation

We'll design and deliver remote, hybrid, and in-person speaking engagements to longer-term courses - to enhance learning and empower employees

03 Contract Services

Are you looking for a short-term solution? We offer contractual services to provide you with project management work for those times when you are short on resources.

why Your Business Needs

Project Management Services

Effective project management is crucial to the success of any business. It improves effectiveness throughout the organization and build better Client Relationships.

With proper planning and execution, it allows anyone to manage projects in a way that ensures each objective and deliverable is completed successfully. 


Consultation Services

for projects of all sizes

Our goal is to help you achieve success by designing, developing, and delivering outcomes that your clients/customers expect. 

Working with Boost Consulting allows for you to empower your employees to better manage projects and their project teams, provide additional clarity and consistency for leadership involved in projects, and to achieve project successes quicker. 

We’ll work towards shifting your focus from a reactive to a proactive management style.

Project management is a vital component of any successful business, and Boost Consulting has the expertise and experience to help you make your projects work for you so you can focus on your zone of genius. 

We’ll begin by learning about your business in depth, so we can best provide plans, structures, knowledge, and tools to help you achieve your goals. 

Then you have us as your business partner throughout the project to provide support and make adjustments when needed.



Empowering Your People & Your Projects


If you’re looking to enhance your employee’s knowledge, we offer teaching and facilitation services for any scale of learning, from one hour to a series of days.

In these sessions, we deliver highly engaging and practical exercises tailored to your organization’s unique needs, cultivating knowledge and skills that can be immediately applied to day-to-day operations.

Speaking Engagements

Engaging and informative speaking services for businesses and organizations looking to improve their project management practices. 

Our speaking engagements are designed to motivate and inspire your team or students to achieve their project management goals and drive your organization towards success.

"I Believe That Everyone Is A Project Manager, Using Specific Knowledge, Skills, Tools, And Techniques To Deliver Something Of Value To People."

Amanda Dahl, Owner


Contractual Work

Short-term support for when your resources are limited

Do you require short-term support on a project or program but don’t want to hire a full-time position?

Our founder has over 20 years of experience in project management and holds credentials, including PMI’s, PMP, and ACP, and Change Prosci’s Change Practitioner Certification. 

We’ll lead any stage of a project or program and can get up to speed quickly. We have led projects and programs in multiple industries, in complex environments, with minimal time to learn. Our specialty is seeking the knowledge independently to get you proven results.

You can trust in our capability and experience to deliver results-driven solutions.

Are you looking to Become More Effective in your next project?

Boost Consulting is committed to helping your organization succeed with effective project management. Let us help you achieve your goals and take your business to the next level.


Meet Amanda Dahl

Amanda’s approach centers on facilitating an authentic and collaborative environment, where clients can express their unique ways of doing business while she layers her skills into their preferred methods. The thrill of teaching something new, seeing clients inspired, and then watching them achieve success through the changes they implement is truly rewarding for Amanda.

In her capacity as a consultant, she cherish the diversity of clients and the opportunity this presents. The varied people, thought processes, and approaches she encounters each day enriches her experience and contributes to collective success.

For Amanda, this diversity is far more stimulating and rewarding than working in a single business environment. It is these elements that fuel her passion and dedication to Boost Consulting and its mission.

Client Testimonials


Exceptional Experience &

Proven Results

When you hire us, we’ll connect with you to better understand your business and current projects and related processes and tools.

Depending on your business goals, we’ll plan for potential employee learning opportunities, and/or we’ll support you with implementation and sustainment of improved project management practices.

So whether you’re just starting out or are looking to level up your project management practices, Boost Consulting is here to support your journey of success.

Check out our other offerings

Operational Excellence

Improve the way your business operates so you can optimize internal and external successes.

Change Management

A structured process with tools to support any business through change, regardless of the size or type of change.

Strategic Planning

Develop clarity and plan for a legacy of success so you have confidence in your future.

Are you Ready to Boost your Business?

Using elements of Project Management and Operations Excellence we can boost your business
successes and improve employee experience.

Large businesses have the luxury of having much of
this knowledge and functionality ‘in house’; We bring this to small and growing businesses and make it work for you.

Areas of Expertise